Hey there everyone! So I took it upon myself to get started with Kali Linux and learning about ethical hacking and downloaded Kali Linux. It installs seemingly fine, but once the installation is "completed" and it goes to boot Kali and I try and enter the OS, it goes to a black screen, runs about 4-5 lines of commands and the last one is always "I/O address 0x0cd6 already in use". I've tried uninstalling Kali and reinstalling it, but it didn't help, the same message came up as I was seconds away from being able to use Kali Linux. After this it stays on the same console-like screen and nothing happens unless I hit ctrl alt delete to get out of it, which brings me back to Kali's boot menu. I searched around a bit online, but since I'm new any solutions kind of went over my head and were given based on the assumption the person already knows what they're doing (which I do not.)
Some information to help:
-Dual boot
-64-bit windows 10
-Using kali Linux version 2016.2, 64 bit
-Used win32diskimager to burn the iso to a flash drive
-I use a wifi connection, not ethernet
A reminder, I'm new so any solutions would be most beneficial if you kept in mind I'm not the best at Kali yet!
Thanks for the help