Hi there!
wifite got so much problems these days, because of the tools it supported before have been updated/changed..
* WASH implementation is broken, giving bad scan results for WPS (LOCKED search also fails)
* tshark got updated, changing some options -- therefor the tshark impl. also is bad (params)
* reaver got updated, changing some options -- therefor reaver impl. is kinda broken
* mac addr patch is needed (macchanger)
The maintainer derv82 seems inactive at the time, but we (THE COMMUNITY) did some work
to actually fix most of these problems + some others.
Take a look at the "next generation" "wifite", dubbed "wifite-ng" @
- pingen attack implemented
- pixie dust (pixiewps) attack included
- macchanger patched
- tshark fixed
- reaver fixed
But to maintain this tool in the future, we need your help too! Take a look around the code & todo list and we'll be happy to receive future request/additions/ideas that you may have.
Thanks to "binkybear", "brianclemens" and all other listed in the README.md for making "wifite" work again. And of course to "derv82" for making this tool in the first place (",)
The original source, by the developer "derv82" is to be found @
-- Christian <kimocoder>