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Thread: Kali Linux 2.0 W16 Mate Network Manager Service Not Present

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Linux 2.0 W16 Mate Network Manager Service Not Present

    First of all, my apologies if this has already been addressed elsewhere. I was not able to find this information on most forums and a pretty heavy Google attempt.

    I do not believe this is an issue with drivers as my Intel 8260 is detected and iwlwifi is loaded just fine. I can pull up my card with iwconfig, bring it up with ifconfig and all that jazz. My question lies with how Kali is setup to handle network connections, namely wifi, in absence of Network Manager in the Live image. I understand I can download Network Manager and the nm-applet if I were to install on a disc, but that would not suit how I have been constrained to install. Namely, USB with Persistence performance is quite horrible and I have an EFI booting lappy which made a USB full install quite difficult. I resolved to just burning a new weekly live ISO every week to see if that works for what I need (minus setting up OpenVAS and similar utilities).

    Anyhow, an /etc/init.d/Network-Manager, systemctl start/stop NetworkManager (or network-manager), comes up with no dice. systemctl list-unit-files shows there is no Network Manager service present.

    I have run the LXDE iso and noticed Wicd Network Manager is present and am able to authenticate/join wifi networks.

    All in all, my questions is simply: for a live weekly ISO of Kali 2.0, with all device drivers detected and functional, how am I to go about joining wifi networks in absence of Network Manager (save for the very extensive CLI pathway of iw, which I am familiar with but do not want to go about scanning, setting up wpa_supplicant etc. every time I launch the OS.

    Thank you all for your help and consideration. Once again, I apologize if this has already been addressed and I was just didn't look hard enough or in the right place.

    - raedeus86

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you're looking for an answer, I've posted it

    You were right: it wasn't your drivers. It was that Kali Mate doesn't have the software necessary (wpa_supplicant) to make WPA-protected wifi work.

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