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Thread: Custom, smaller build weight more than official, bigger

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Custom, smaller build weight more than official, bigger

    Hello everyone,
    I created Kali custom build, I didn't use kali metapackages, I've listed every tool in .chroot file (I've wanted to exclude only some of them that I don't need, just to save some space). In my build there is less applications than in official build (Kali 32-bit 2017.1), but my build is HEAVIER (3 GB) than official one (2.5GB).
    Can anyone tell me how is this possible? What am I doing wrong?
    Any advice to make my custom build lighter than official one, would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you're going to insist on specifying every application, make sure it's passing --no-install-recommends to the apt install command, as that won't pull in *any* recommended apps. It's quite possible you're pulling things in because of the recommended apps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thanks for quick reply
    I've been looking in live-build-config for script responsible for that, but without any success. Do you know what script should I check?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    It's quite possible you're pulling things in because of the recommended apps.

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