
I have a Dell D630, 4GbRam, 160 HD, i915 Intel video, run Kali in live mode, all works perfect, video at 1600x900, all ok, WiFi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, and all the rest works fine, test utilities and same result, all works fine, the WiFi chip has inyection mode.

Install process: all standard, Spanish lenguage and keyboard, 1 partition standard for all the disk, no LVM used, no other operative system installed, ethernet connection ok, repositories ok, reboot after install: show grub options and... no graphical login!, wait... no video, press start button and shutdown automatically, ACPI works, restart again but in recovery mode, connect as root in console mode, i try:

install intel video drivers for i915
nomodeset in various flavors
...and many others tricks...
finally result: headache!

trieds: 2 times, same result, video works in live mode fine, booting from live DVD, but no video after install, no login screen, change grub video mode and work ok, lsusb ok, lspci show 2 cards vga and screen controler, xrandr show "can't open display", xserver -configure show "screen don't match" and create new xorg.conf, when i use it the same result, no video graphics.

Anybody can't help me? I know the problem is the bad configuration of the video driver, but i couldn't resolve it.

Curiosity: lspci show all the hardware, included the GSM modem, bluetooth, etc.