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Thread: Airmon,Airodump works, Wifite not

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Airmon,Airodump works, Wifite not

    Hi at all, I got the Problem that the Terminal -based wireless tools recognize my external Wifi (Tplink-Tl-Wn722) and i can switch to monitor mode to wlan1 (airmon-ng start wlan1 /airodump-ng wlan1mon) but the graphical tools like wifite switch my wlan1 to monitor mode ( message:done) and then nothing happens... also fern-wifi-cracker is not working and can`t dectect my ext.Wifi... What could be the Reason for that?

  2. #2
    I have the same problem on n10 and n4, same network card and some others. What device are you using?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Now i found out that it's working! (I have Nexus 10 Tablet).First i start enabling monitor mode with airmon-ng start wlan1 and after that wifite --mon-iface wlan1mon and now wifite is working . The other Problem was fern-wifi-cracker cause it can not start the display. So i start graphics with vnc and open the terminal there.After typing fern-wifi-cracker --mon-iface wlan1mon also fern is working

  4. #4
    ok, nice. have to test it on my n10 when i get home. can you run fruitywifi? im having problems with it. what android build are you using

    edit: It worked. Thanks.
    Last edited by donThomaso; 2017-05-18 at 15:30.

  5. #5

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