I am all new to this Linux OS and as an IT guy, i want to learn Linux badly. So please go easy on me
I got Kali working on a USB of 16GB and i got the persistence thing all working. But whenever i loggout the root user or any other user i make and logout, the system crashes.
I created an account with root access but it seemed to fail. And now I want to log in as a root user.
But whenever I log out, the machine show the login screen for 1 second and then disappears in a kernel based interface and I cannot do anything but a restart. Can someone please explain me what I do wrong here?
I tried using the root account with "sudo su" and "su -" but some commands or programs just won't really work this way. I need to log into the account.
Additional information:
Kali Version : 2017.1 (x64) ARM
Gnome Vs : 3.22.2
Hardware : Intel core i5-6200 2.30ghz, Intel HD graphics 520 skylake GT2, 7.7GiB (Running from a USB witch persistence and )
I have made a screenshot of the system when i logout.