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Thread: CRYPTSETUP in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf is deprecated after installing nvid

  1. #1

    Question CRYPTSETUP in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf is deprecated after installing nvid

    Hello this is my first post. Please tell me if i have to change anything ^^

    I just installed nvidia-drivers on my fresh and updated kali linux installation. By following the following command by the Kali Documentation.
    apt install -y ocl-icd-libopencl1 nvidia-driver nvidia-cuda-toolkit

    The driver is working fine. When i use the code below, the output is the same as documented in the Kali Documentation. Running hashcat also works perfectly.
    At the end of the installation i got the following message
    CRYPTSETUP in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Use /etc/cryptsetup-initramfs/conf-hook instead.
    When i rebooted, i got the popular white screen "Oh no something has gone wrong" and i can't use GUI (But i can acces the terminal with ctrl + alt + f2).

    Does anyone know a solution for this?

    Also, what i find very weird is that 2 days ago i didnt have this problem. Nvidia worked fine and i could boot with GUI, no error messages. A few hours after I broke my kali linux installation by setting up a virtualbox on windows (i guess), so i had to reinstall.

    Details about my setup:
    Kali 64-bit version 2017.1
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti
    CPU: intel core i7 7700hq 2.8Ghz
    Last edited by apolloskillz; 2017-07-13 at 19:38.

  2. #2
    Join Date

    Red face i guess we just have the same problem. maybe bcoz of virtualbox that

    Quote Originally Posted by apolloskillz View Post
    Hello this is my first post. Please tell me if i have to change anything ^^

    I just installed nvidia-drivers on my fresh and updated kali linux installation. By following the following command by the Kali Documentation.
    apt install -y ocl-icd-libopencl1 nvidia-driver nvidia-cuda-toolkit

    The driver is working fine. When i use the code below, the output is the same as documented in the Kali Documentation. Running hashcat also works perfectly.
    At the end of the installation i got the following message
    CRYPTSETUP in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Use /etc/cryptsetup-initramfs/conf-hook instead.
    When i rebooted, i got the popular white screen "Oh no something has gone wrong" and i can't use GUI (But i can acces the terminal with ctrl + alt + f2).

    Does anyone know a solution for this?

    Also, what i find very weird is that 2 days ago i didnt have this problem. Nvidia worked fine and i could boot with GUI, no error messages. A few hours after I broke my kali linux installation by setting up a virtualbox on windows (i guess), so i had to reinstall.

    Details about my setup:
    Kali 64-bit version 2017.1
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti
    CPU: intel core i7 7700hq 2.8Ghz

    maybe bcoz of virtualbox that is installed in your system. i guess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I am getting the same issue, with the Oh No screen. Have tried to configure xorg.conf but no luck, after I input into xorg.conf I no longer get the Oh No screen, but the boot gets stuck, removing that conf file, back to Oh No screen.

    This is occuring for me on hard disk install with Geforce GTX 1060

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