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Thread: Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBY with Windows 8.1 preinstalled difficulty loading kali

  1. #1
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    Lenovo Ideapad 100-15IBY with Windows 8.1 preinstalled difficulty loading kali

    Okay I've got a usb which i used Win32 disk imager to make into a live usb as per the instructions on the homepage . However i have a Lenovo Ideapad which came with preinstalled Windows 8.1 with Bing and im trying to dual boot Kali Linux on it . Im not getting very far though .
    I've turned off fast boot in power options and i got to the boot menu and specified boot with my usb . But when it does it comes up With a blue box saying that my usb is blocked by the current security policy . So now im lost . Because the imager also reduced the space on my usb so i cant add the Mokmanager and grub thing which another thread talks about .
    I'm lost here can someone please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    That security policy is Secure Boot. Disable it from UEFI boot settings.

  3. #3
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    Thanks so much dude .

    Quick question . Some help on dual booting it with my windows 8.1 . The thread i found was for Windows 7 . Will it work the same ?
    Last edited by maiki; 2017-07-14 at 08:03. Reason: Merge posts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Don't enable Legacy BIOS. Rest everything is same.

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