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Thread: initramfs-update in Live USB with encrypted persistence

  1. #1
    Join Date

    initramfs-update in Live USB with encrypted persistence

    I have a problem updating initramfs in Live USB with encrypted persistence partition.

    I tried in several ways to update initramfs but no way to get it.

    This is the answer:
    root@kali:~# live-update-initramfs
    I: update-initramfs is disabled (live system is running on read-only media).
    I tried with
    hdparm -r0 /dev/sda1
    mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1
    I need to use the kernel version 4.9.0-kali4-amd64 instead of 4.9.0-kali3-amd64

    Someone have an idea about how to solve this problem?

    Thank you very much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    @nscnm87 I experience the same issue---the only difference is that I am running encrypted persistence. If you managed to fix it, can you please share the details? Thanks a lot.

  3. #3
    Would like to see if anyone has been able to fix this. I would like to update the kernel and install nvidia-drivers.

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