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Thread: Dual booting with UEFI Windows 10

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    Dual booting with UEFI Windows 10

    I have a laptop that came installed with windows 10, and I am trying to install Kali 2017.2. Here is what I did:

    1. Create a bootable (Kali 2017.2) USB using uNetbootin, this worked and I get the live, live persist etc. options
    2. Partition my harddrive in Windows so that I have 31 GB unallocated space.
    3. Select the install option from the bootable USB
    4. Go through the options till the partitioning part.
    5. Allocated 15 GB for root, or / (ext4), 12 gb for /home (also ext4) and 4 GB for swap (all new partitions created on my only drive from the unalllocated space)
    6. The installation goes through successfully, it installs Grub (or says it does) and tells me to unplug my USB and reboot, so I do so.
    7. Opening the boot menu still only shows Windows Boot Manager, and the Windows Boot Manager only lets me select either Windows 10 or memory diagnostics.

    Is there something I missed?

    The Laptop is an acer aspire e5-574 (

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by sofusoe; 2017-11-07 at 03:57. Reason: Version was not clear enough

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