Originally Posted by
yah im using archive-3.kali.org....
but i wonder y isnt repo.kali.org not working.......
is it something to do with my isp??
ross what does your sources.list show. Find it in look like. Open to edit with gedit or your text editor. I just edit it with the sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list. If you do it that way then close it with Ctrl C then finish with y to save.
I only got one in my sources.list
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
not to freak you I already removed the top two for the cd
Then try it all over again. I'm teling ya it needs to regenerate the keys. If not then yes u may have a bad install. But mine was the same issue and it never would generate anything until I put that link into the sources.list.