Hey everyone
I've some problem with arpspoof tool it does not works, after i installed "netdiscover package and start scanning the network i found arpspoof doesn't work with an error
root@kali:~# arpspoof
arpspoof: unknown physical layer type 0xfffe
I unistalled "dsniff and netdiscover" packages with apt-get purge dsniff & apt-get purge netdiscover then i reboot my device and opened nethunter terminal and apt-get update then reinstalled apt-get install dsniff & apt-get install netdiscover
But arpspoof still not working
I found this issue comes after i edited passwd file in this line _apt:x:103:65534::/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
To _apt:x:0:65534::/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
Because i had an issue befor on apt-get update
Hope to fix this probelm, i don't want to reinstall chroot !