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Thread: [issue] Kali on USB with persistence and Brightness file at acpi_video0

  1. #1

    Post [issue] Kali on USB with persistence and Brightness file at acpi_video0

    Hi guys, I am your new whiny guy in this forum, as you may know this issue from the title.

    Here I have HP Folio 13" i5 4GB 128SSD Intel HD3000.

    I have installed Kali the same way as this document (Kali Linux Live USB Install: Adding Persistence to Your Kali Live USB).

    Everytime I boot up from my USB my screen turns off (or brightness goes to 0) after the boot screen.
    What I do to fix this problem is I wait for 1 minute (while the screen is off, yeah I can see through !@#$) then I press (Ctrl + Alt + F1) then I type root (for login) and toor (for password)
    Then I type this command "echo 10 | tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness" THEN BAAAAM MY SCREEN SHINE LIKE A STAR

    I have to do this every time I boot up the USB, I tried to alias the command but it doesn't save it after I reboot

    Of course I update everything and installed new kernel. I tried all solutions on other forums that I looked at.

    If only I can make the brightness file change permanently.

    Return 0;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    check the "Adding Persistence to Your Kali Live USB" section.

  3. #3
    I fixed it with a payload (Rubber Ducky) but I have to run that payload every time I boot my USB which makes it easier for me.
    REM Author: Kn1ght Art0rias
    REM Desc: Increases the brightness of laptop screen when it boot up some *nix Distro like Kali
    REM let it boot and wait for 20 seconds atleast (depends on your machine power) then plug in the rubber ducky
    DELAY 100
    DELAY 1000
    DELAY 200
    DELAY 300
    STRING echo 10 | tee /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
    DELAY 300
    STRING /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop
    DELAY 100
    STRING /etc/init.d/gdm3 start
    I hope this might help someone

  4. Make sure Persistence is actually working., My recommendation, is see if you can create a simple text document to place on desktop. And reboot to see if it stays or not. If it does stay, how about making a simple script file that runs at boot to solve this issue. I've read other threads on this forum about the HP having this issue.

    Also, check out this thread, maybe it might work for you.
    Last edited by charonsecurity; 2013-05-02 at 01:59.
    Fact, Science and the Pursuit of Knowledge. Working to secure your networks from threats; Outside and Within.

  5. #5
    it does save all files and updates but only this file is annoying
    thx for the advice

  6. #6
    Join Date
    you can increase the brightness with the laptop brightness button without writing any command but its also not a permanent solution let me think on that......

  7. #7
    Of course I tried that only the sound buttons works.. I think HP doesn't like Debian

    the solution is already here

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