I've searched and can't seem to find a fix for this anywhere, so this post is kind of my last resort.
I've got the latest version (2018.1 amd64) and have successfully created a bootable usb drive, but cannot boot kali live at all.
Tried downloading the iso again and used both win32diskimager and rufus. Also tried 2018.1-i836 and 2017.3-amd64 which changed nothing.
I get to the menu (grub) and when I try to boot either live or failsafe it just ends up refreshing the menu and emiting that loud 'beep' sound.
I get to see a couple of messages in the bottom of the screen and another couple which flash too quickly for me to be able to read.
This gif from another user is exactly what I experienced:
Could be either the kernel or the grub itself in my uneducated opinion.
If anyone will be so kind to help me out, I'd be extremelly grateful.
If need be I'll post my hardware and specs,
Thanks in advance