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Thread: toughbook touchscreen not working

  1. #1
    Join Date

    solved: toughbook touchscreen not working

    Hi all,

    I just installed Kali on a Panasonic CF-53 laptop, but the touchscreen is not working.
    It is working fine in Windows.

    It is pretty much the same problem as here, my output of xinput, lsusb, xinput list etc. is pretty much the same:

    It was not solved, does anybody have an idea how to get touch working?
    Last edited by r0tati0n; 2018-04-28 at 20:15.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Ah, the automatic switching (touchscreen-tablet) does not work.
    setting it to touchscreen and it works, but the calibration from xinput_calibrator pasted into 99-calibration.conf is ignored.

    tablet mode does not work in debian
    touchscreen mode does work in debian
    auto does not work in debian

    both modes work in Windows 8, but touchscreen is miscalibrated - so it switches automatically to tablet in Windows 8.

    What is responsible for switching that does not work in my debian system?

    in mint, touchscreen works, it is as off as in debian/windows 8 on touchscreen.
    after calibration the touch with stylus is OK, even with simply running xinput_calibration, no permanent settings done.

    I did the calibration in kali too, but after calibration the touchscreen stays uncalibrated. putting it into 99-calibration.conf does not change it.


    apt-get install xinput_calibrator xserver-xorg-input-evdev evtest python-evdev

    Deleted from /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf:
    Section "InputClass"
    Identifier "libinput tablet catchall"
    MatchIsTablet "on"
    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
    Driver "libinput"
    Last edited by r0tati0n; 2018-04-28 at 20:15.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    This just solved my problems with an Intel Classmate Laptop with the Virtual USB connected "eTurboTouch eTurboTouch" builtin touchscreen. yes thats how the vendor named it.

    Deleting that section in the libinput file and then rebooting was the key to everything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by r0tati0n View Post
    Hi all,

    I just installed Kali on a Panasonic CF-53 laptop, but the touchscreen is not working.
    It is working fine in Windows.

    It is pretty much the same problem as here, my output of xinput, lsusb, xinput list etc. is pretty much the same:

    It was not solved, does anybody have an idea how to get touch working?
    A tough book nice. How's it likin Linux?
    I have an older Kali (sana) on a 50gb laptop hard drive in a military grade enclosure. Supposed to be waterproof.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbiz View Post
    A tough book nice. How's it likin Linux?
    I have an older Kali (sana) on a 50gb laptop hard drive in a military grade enclosure. Supposed to be waterproof.
    I used to have one of those CF's, but the MB died, But i like this classmate unit, and it has the ruggedized shell, like auto tire grade rubber on all sides, and the touchscreen is thicker so it doesnt seem to affect the TFT by being touched or even pounded on. The screen also rotates and lays down on its back to form a tablet.

    Kali is a little bit slow in some apps, but its fully usable. It is an Atom N450 with 2GB RAM, and i put a 120GB SSD in it, so Kali boots in 10 seconds flat.

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