Hi All

So, I have read many threads on this issue, which seems to be a common one on kali linux. While I appreciate kali is not an audio processing OS... I cannot get any sound out from the RPi3B+ despite doing everything suggested in an old thread on here from 2013.

I have created a config.txt file and added the relevant line at the end. I have used systemctl to enable and start pulseaudio etc. I have watched several other videos but just can't get any sound to be heard. I am using an external set of speakers connected to the 3.5mm jack connector on my Pi. I have a RPi3B and a RPi3B+ and have checked audio is working on both machines by booting up to raspbian and playing sound through Youtube etc. Both work fine with raspbian.

I have seen a few videos where a sound icon is present and visible in the 'All Settings - Hardware' pane of system settings, but I don't see any such icon. I have also ensured I have installed alsa-utils (as suggsted in the older thread I alluded to earlier)

Can anyone offer any advice please as to what I should do next to get sound working.

Many thanks folks.