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Thread: Updating 2.0 to Rolling -Black Screen

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Updating 2.0 to Rolling -Black Screen

    So I've been calmly using Kali for about 2 years and yesterday i tried to update from 2.0 to Rolling but it failed and instantly lost all access to the terminal.
    I rebooted and then after the loading screen i dont even have the grub just a plain black screen.
    Im able to log in single user mode and see my files but apt get update fails with “failure resolving” (im connected through Ethernet).Plus when i tried to change the DNS it says there’s no such file or directory when resolv.conf is clearly in the directory. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I would recommend to just backup your data and reinstall 2018.2. You'll save a lot of time and headaches

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I would but when i try do copy files it says there's no such file or directory when the files are clearly there.

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