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Thread: Terminal Interface on Boot and Stalled Torrents.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Terminal Interface on Boot and Stalled Torrents.

    Greetings everyone,

    I've been using Kali on and off for a couple years, something would come up and I'd forget about it completely, but now that high school is done, I can finally get back into it. I've switched from Windows to Kali Linux as my main OS, not advisable, I know but I didn't use my laptop for much anyways. That's my background.

    Problem #1 - At first, Kali would boot normally to the login screen and I'd enter my login and pass and be led to my desktop. As of today morning, it boots to a terminal interface. I have to enter my login and pass there and it still remains in terminal. Doesn't boot in GUI. I use the "service gdm3 start" command to start the normal interface, but sometimes I have to restart my system for the command to work, as it won't work the first time. Any permanent solution to this in order to boot into normal interface and not terminal?

    Problem #2 - I've used 3 different torrent clients, ie. Deluge, qBittorrent, and Transmission, all three start out okay, everything downloads and whatnot, but if I shut my system down and restart and try to resume the torrents, they don't start again. They can't connect to any peers or seeds and they don't progress at all. They 'stall' Any reason why this happens and any possible fixes?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Highly suggest, especially if you are going to run Kali as your primary OS, you take the time to read up on some of the docs in detail. Start with, specifically the part about "systemctl enable foo.service".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Thank you for bringing the docs to my notice, I'll be sure to read them up. But do you have a solution to the boot problem in the mean time, or will I have to prove my worth and scour the entire docs? I'm fine with either tbh. I like reading and learning stuff.

    Thanks for you help though!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by rajdhagat
    I use the "service gdm3 start" command to start the normal interface
    Quote Originally Posted by elwood
    specifically the part about "systemctl enable foo.service"
    You should be able to put it together just from that.

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