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Thread: no sound in kali, sound through headphones works, already installed alsa and pulseaudio

  1. #1
    Join Date

    no sound in kali, sound through headphones works, already installed alsa and pulseaudio


    I have a problem with sound on kali.
    I run latest kali, MATE desktop, but have no sound on the speakers.
    I have sound when I plug in headphones. On a parallel windows 8.1 installation sound works fine.

    I already installed alsa and pulseaudio, but still the problem.
    I already did "systemctl -- user enable pulseaudio" and start, but nothing.
    I can start the daemon itself with --system but still get no audio from the main speakers. When I plug in a headphone, I get sound through that.

    Could you please help me getting normal sound?

    laptop is a panasonic Toughbook CF-53, sound device seems to be "hda intel pch".

    Using speaker test I can create sound, I see the sound bar moving in the sound preferences, but no sound from the speakers.
    I unmuted everything in alsamixer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Hi r0tation,

    Did you set the output speaker to the built-in audio in the settings of kali ?
    You may have USB headphones which are using an external sound card so when you plug them kali automatically set the output to the external card.

    I mean this:

    I hope you'll find the solution,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Yes, it is set to built-in Audio.
    The headphones are normal ones, no USB. They plug in to the 3.5mm port.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    I found something:

    I booted windows (multiboot), unmuted the speakers and played sound. Speakers worked.
    Then I rebooted to kali and suddenly sound was working on the normal speakers, before it was certainly not muted.

    Why was the unmuting in windows carried over to kali?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by r0tati0n View Post
    I found something:

    I booted windows (multiboot), unmuted the speakers and played sound. Speakers worked.
    Then I rebooted to kali and suddenly sound was working on the normal speakers, before it was certainly not muted.

    Why was the unmuting in windows carried over to kali?
    I don't now, it must be a problem specific to your laptop's audio card.

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