I'm dual-booting Kali Linux with Windows 10, but this is unrelated because Windows is on a different hard drive. I tried to install the NVIDIA drivers through this guide https://docs.kali.org/general-use/in...-on-kali-linux but was getting stuck because the nvidia-smi command couldn't connect to the card and I got stuck on boot in a blank screen and had to go into CTRL-ALT-F2 tty terminal to be able to do anything. I tried to follow this guide https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?35748 but I got stuck with xrandr not detecting a display and the nvidia-smi command still couldn't connect to the card. I removed everything I had done with
apt-get purge nivida* && apt-get purge nvidia-*
and removed all of the files that I had made and re-enabled the nouveau driver to fix broken screen res by removing all lines from the nouveau-blacklist file. I'm confident that I did not make any mistake during the installation when following either of these tutorials. My laptop has been connected to the internet by ethernet cable this whole time as well. I'm still kind of new to kali and I have no idea what to do right now. Please help.