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Thread: Wanted to add AWUS036H Network card

  1. #1
    Mikey Guest

    Wanted to add AWUS036H Network card

    As my version of Kali is working OK I wanted to add an Alfa network card to get a better reception.

    I plugged in the Alfa card and used airmon-ng to find the card, but all it came up with was this,

    PHY Interface Driver Chipset


    phy0 wlan0 iwlwifi Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 100

    phy1 wlan1 rtl8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187

    but no Alfa card. I'm lead to believe that Kali would work "Out of the box" with Alfa so why can't I find it.

    Should I install the drivers for this card and if 'YES' then how do I do that.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    On linux, the brand of the card doesn't matter, what matters is the chipset. It's the same on Windows but for users, they also display the brand and model of the card.

    Just FYI, AWUS036H is a rtl8187 card, so that's wlan1 in your case.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Kali forums
    I own this specific card, and it works great on Kali out of the box. Does monitor mode & packet injection with no problems.

  4. #4
    Mikey Guest
    Thanks lads.
    Your right Mister X it was wlan1.

    All working OK.


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