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Thread: Kali going haywire on RPI3B using re4son image

  1. #1
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    Kali going haywire on RPI3B using re4son image

    Hey guys,Im relatively new to kali though not to linux.
    So when I apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade on my Rpi using re4son image,my kali goes haywire.
    The panels start flickering , it starts to hang and not respond, and generally becomes ****.
    What could be the problem? Due to this I'm afraid to apt-get upgrade so I havent upgraded in a while and so some problems occur when I use the tools, which will go away when I upgrade.

    I'm using re4son's image because when I use the official Kali image, there is a problem with nexmon.
    When i airodump-ng, I get "Missing nexutil" or something like that. Is'nt all of nexmon supposed to be installed?
    Please help quickly.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaCube111 View Post
    Hey guys,Im relatively new to kali though not to linux.
    So when I apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade on my Rpi using re4son image,my kali goes haywire.
    The panels start flickering , it starts to hang and not respond, and generally becomes ****.
    What could be the problem? Due to this I'm afraid to apt-get upgrade so I havent upgraded in a while and so some problems occur when I use the tools, which will go away when I upgrade.
    SD-Card running out of space maybe? I've just done an upgrade without any issues.

  3. #3
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    No man.

    I ran df and it showed 34%.

    Doing this on a 16gb SD card so ive got oodles of space.
    And also i tried this on the official image too and the same thing occurs.
    The bottom panel flicker, when you type a thing the letters come 5 letters late, when you right-click and go down a menu, the options get highlighted very late.
    I don't know whats the problem.

  4. #4
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    I don't mean upgrading with the repo on your images. It is outdated. I mean with the main repo.
    Also totally unrelated, how do I update your kernel?
    rpi-update doesn't work.

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