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Thread: Help installing Kali Linux on RPI3b+

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  1. #1
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    Cool Help installing Kali Linux on RPI3b+

    Can i please get some help installing Kali onto my raspberry pi 3b+?

    I bought the PI as a kit because it worked out saving $. The package I purchased also came with a install disk with the users own build of Kali Linux for it to work with his 3.5inch touch screen, his versions when installed works but it doesn't support Bluetooth, monitor mode and many of the other functions seem to be locked out ;( It almost feels like his version is very well insecure. When shutting down, it fails to even finish without always getting stuck in limbo...

    I tried the TFT version on global offensive but it just shows up as a white screen on my RPIs LCD screen. All of the builds that I have downloaded from Global Offensive are hitting the white screen and nothing else happens ;(

    I am after a version that will work with monitor mode and works with my 3.5inch display and also would like the HDMI connection to work when connecting to my external monitor.

    I am new to Kali and Linux in general, severely competent with the windows operating system, but I am hoping there is a build out there that supports Kali with the RPI3b+ with 3.5inch LCD and HDMI, does anyone have a legit working copy?

    Keen o learn Kali but I need to get it running first ;(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Which 3.5" TFT is it? If it is a KeDei screen, I'm sorry to say, you're likely SOL due to the way they modify the kernel which makes it incompatible with everything else.

    The TFT version of the rpi image is for rpi1 not the RPI3. The RPI3 does have the tft setup script on it however, so if it happens to be a supported TFT screen, you can try SSHing into the rpi3 and running "/usr/bin/kalipi-tft-config" - re4son supports quite a few TFTs out of the box with the script, however, again, the KeDei screens are... not recommended.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Makes sense I should have done more research, it seems I have purchased the kedai screen setup, all good will purchase recommended one. 👍 thanks for the reply mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Well, personally I have a soft spot in my heart for the Pimoroni Hyperpixel - but that's because it is 800x480 in a 3.5" screen - they're kind of delicate though.

    For a list of supported boards (I pull in the kalipi-tft-configurator) take a look at -

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