Hi there!
Little issue on my new laptop trying to dualboot with kali. I have and 128g SSD GPT with windows and some games and 1T of HDD MBR with some games.
I made 25g free space for kali on the HDD but when it comes to the installation, it got a problem on '' NO EFI partition was found '' (it's the last and checked iso image 64bits, the disk is well detected, no problem booting it live, it's DD and not ISO etc). Tried graphicall install too. I tried once to go trough this step and resolve it after with a live but without success (following this page https://forums.kali.org/showthread.p...ith-Windows-10 where after, when rebooting I just face the grub with the '' minimal bash like line '' problem, so i erased the created partition to go back to normal).
HDD with 25g free space, 64bits checked kali linux, 8g usb key, fastboot disabled, no secure boot option is shown on bios (laptot came without OS). Tried on Windows to create a 250m EFI partition but only FAT32/FAT/NTFS option...
I really searched about this so i'm sorry if this issue have already been treated...