I'd like to make a thread to, once-and-for-all end the
'What is the best wireless adapter?' debate.
Currently I'm in the market for the
best adapter, price is not a factor. I used to have one of these:
Alfa AWUS036NH but the 1W version. I had an array of antennae and also a huge YAGI antenna. It worked beautifully.
But I'm also looking for a good
internal Laptop Wireless card that supports monitoring and injection etc. because I need something mobile. So I'm really in the market for 2 seperate cards.
At the moment people seem to be talking about these 3 devices in particular:
AWUS036H (older b/g version)
AWUS036NH (newer b/g/n version)
AWUS036NHA (newer b/g/n atheros version)
I'm looking for an 'n' capable card obviously. So I'm kinda stuck between the NH and NHA adapters. I don't know which one is better. Some say that the NHA is a newer improvement over the NH but others say that there's no difference. Just a different chipset..
So could we please end the topic once and for all on the new Kali-linux forums so those who don't mind throwing down 35€/£30/$45 on the best card you can get, can do so without regretting it later.
P.S. I know for a fact that the NH
R is apparently more trouble than it's worth. So I didn't mention it. Even if it seems to be the latest one available.
P.P.S. I heard that there's a new card that is supposedly being released soon. If anyone knows anything about it, please do list it here. However I, (and I am sure most of us) are more interested in what already works and is fully stable.
Thanks a lot for any replies at all