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Thread: Kali Networking - VMware Fusion not assigning IP address to Kali VM

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Networking - VMware Fusion not assigning IP address to Kali VM


    Previously this was an intermittent problem, but over the past three days it's become persistent and keeping me from doing my work. I'm running MacOS High Sierra (10.13.6) as my host system with VMware Fusion Professional 10.1.1. I'm running my network interface in the NAT mode as if I run bridged I'll be detected as a rouge system and blocked. I have a Kali VM (64bit Rolling). Whether I am wired or wireless my VMware dhcp service does not appear to be assigning an ip address to my Kali VM. I have connectivity from the host to the internet/other networks but from the Kali VM I do not. Ifconfig on Kali shows eth0 with an IPv6 address no IPv4. Ifconfig also shows loopback lo. I've done the following.

    On the Host
    - Bounced the host
    - Bounced VMware
    - In VMware changed the interface from NAT to Bridge (just to see if I can get connected, I cannot)

    On the Kali VM
    - Stopped/started network service (service NetworkManager stop/start)
    - Brought the eth0 interface down/up (ifdown eth0/ifup eth0)
    - Added the "local" nameserver 192.168.x.x to my /etc/resolv.conf in addition to google's nameservers that were already there (,
    - Attempted to manually pull dhcp address (dhclient eth0)

    I'm not sure what has changed or broke, but I sure would appreciate any assistance in identifying and resolving the issue. Thanks in advance for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sounds like your virtual interface config on the VH is misconfigured this isn?t a kali issue

  3. #3
    Join Date
    VMware, when switching to bridge, does bridge on the interface it think is right. Go in the virtual network editor, and edit the bridge to force the specific interface that is connected to Internet. Your network obviously need to have DHCP, or you'll have to manually configure the interface settings.

    Another thing, when changing interface stuff, you'll need to reload the dhclient so it get the appropriate IP address.

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