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Thread: Kali Linux compatibility raspberry pi-like devices

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Kali Linux compatibility raspberry pi-like devices

    Hi guys, I have a question. I'm currently working as an intern at a security company which often does red-team penetration testing. They do this by physically entering a building and placing a raspberry pi (model 3 B) with a backdoor and a kali linux installation (the dropbox). Problem is, the raspberry pi is too slow. My job as an intern is to find and develop a new dropbox. I'm currently looking at three more-hardcore raspberry pi's, but I'm unsure about a few things and would like your opinion/advice.

    First let me list the three devices:

    The first device claims it can run Kali linux, but the other two I'm not so sure (which have better specs). I cannot find anything on the internet, except for previous versions of the devices and since my internship is about more than installing Kali, it cannot take up too much of my time (2-3 days tops).

    Does anybody have an idea about the compatibility of ARM devices with kali, other than those which are listed here:

    I'm also curious to hear which one you would pick.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I don't think there is any other supported device unless you're willing to do the work to make them compatible. From what I've been told and remember, the ARM devices are all so slightly different that it's not as easy as making an ISO (like it's done for x86/64 bit).

    Raspberry Pi 3B+ is faster than the 3B (and thermal is better too from what I recall). I'm curious what kind of "backdoor" needs that much power, since it's more powerful than most routers.

    XU4 is pretty powerful and it works with Kali
    Last edited by Mister_X; 2019-02-12 at 19:47.

  3. #3
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    Thank you for your answer.

    My apologies, but I made a mistake in my post. The device currently in use is the model B+. I have heard from multiple sources it's not easy to compile Kali for an ARM device not listed, so I think I will not do that.
    To explain the 'backdoor' thing, it's not necessarily a backdoor. It needs to act as a invisible computer running all sort of attacks, therefore, the more powerful, the better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mister_X View Post
    XU4 is pretty powerful but I don't know if it works with Kali.
    This article is from the Odroid website, any thoughts?

  4. #4
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    To add onto my latest comment. I found a tutorial of creating a custom ARM build, which does not look too hard. This is, however, the tutorial will work. Since I have no experience, could someone have a look at it?

    It's greatly appreciated!

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