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Thread: Raspberry Pi won't boot up anymore (Kali Raspberry)

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Raspberry Pi won't boot up anymore (Kali Raspberry)


    First of all, I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with the version "Kali Linux RaspberryPi 3 64bit" installed.

    I know this issue may have been seen a lot on google but any help has worked for me.

    I'm having a issue since I recieved my Raspberry Pi 3B+ when I tried to install Kali for Raspberry on it.
    I have choosen the "Raspberry Pi Kali 3 64bit" image file from and it was working perfectly: I was logged in and I can do whatever I wanted. I decided to keep it up to date running "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" and the first command ended correctly but upgrade just put the raspberry off (I think a reboot) after a couple of minutes 40~.
    The raspberry started to boot again but some error messages just popped rapidly and then a new screen "Kali GNU/Linux Rolling kali tty1" with a login prompt and 3 seconds after, it dissapeared and starting a loop reboot (I think that could be that).

    I've seen this error on the booting screen "ext4-fs error (device mmcblk0): ext4_lookup: deleted inode referenced 7964"

    I've uploaded 2 videos too to show you the issue. You will see that it boot infinitely at the end of the first video. The second one is only the login screen with a few lines.

    For information, this is the second time I'm trying to upgrade my packages in command prompt. And the second time it happends.

    Thanks for any feedback I really need to solve this issue!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    It's mostly kernel messages.

    The only thing possibly wrong is on the first blurry screenshot, when it mentions issues with inodes. That could indicate the SD card has an issue or the system wasn't shut down properly. On the second screenshot, just hit Enter and the prompt will show again. It's technically still on the prompt and waiting for input, so you can enter "root", which will show the password prompt.

    When doing an update, do a dist-upgrade instead of upgrade as it does the upgrade and more (kernel and other stuff).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Mister_X View Post
    It's mostly kernel messages.

    The only thing possibly wrong is on the first blurry screenshot, when it mentions issues with inodes. That could indicate the SD card has an issue or the system wasn't shut down properly. On the second screenshot, just hit Enter and the prompt will show again. It's technically still on the prompt and waiting for input, so you can enter "root", which will show the password prompt.

    When doing an update, do a dist-upgrade instead of upgrade as it does the upgrade and more (kernel and other stuff).
    Thanks a lot for your help, I was trying since yesterday and found a solution (kind of) a couple of hours ago. It was a problem with the shutdown, but a boot problem too and I had to hit "CTRL-ALT-F1" to login because the problem was it was not reacting with the Enter key yesterday (idk why) and I saw someone changing stuff on boot and configs and I made some changes too.
    It doesn't appear anymore so thanks for your comment even if it was resolved, it helps me a lot understanding why this issue was there and for the shutdown I used "sudo halt", should i use "sudo shutdown now" instead ?

    Thanks again for your reply.

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