B9E598F1-CE96-42C4-960F-581D1AB6BEDB.jpgSo, I ran a encrypted install of Kali 4.18 on my 2010 MacBook with a ssd,then I decided to reinstall Debian,and run Kali in a virtual box, I figured a shredding The drive would do fine
to start a reinstall of my Debian9, I have done this before (not with encrypted drive )
But this Didnt go well , now upon start up it loads into Kali grub I think
Failed to connect to lvmetad
volume group not found
Cannot process volume group
Failed to connect to encrypted source device
cannot unlock sda3_crypt
Check cyrptopts =source=bootarg: cat proc/cmdline
Or missing modules , devices: cat /proc/modules/; ls /dev
Then it drops into. Busy box. V1.27.2
So did I just ruin a ssd ? Can I reinstall from here? Is reformatting the drive an option? Is there anything I can do here?
I apologize for starting a new thread but I looked everywhere, I?m probably the first person
that has done this.