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Thread: Create network between two Kali machines connected to one router.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Create network between two Kali machines connected to one router.

    I haven't turned my attention to networking as I had only the one computer. In all honesty the only networking I've done was to get a couple of Windows 7 computers to talk to each other, and got my laptop to talk to my girlfriend's computer via her router, both were Macs and so long ago. I purchased another computer and want to transfer files between them. Kali is on both, and now have use for learning some networking as well as getting these two machines to talk to each other. When I use Kali's network manager it lets me see my connection, ethernet connection, and to modify that, but no other connections. How do I see the other machine and the router and begin the process of networking the 2 computers and the router?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I like to start out with ssh into a computer. Nice simple to the point. Install a ssh client software. Already include in kali

    Ssh service start on machines
    Good to go

  3. #3
    Join Date
    put them on the same subnet and know the user name as password for both. Then map a network drive

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by quarinteen View Post
    put them on the same subnet and know the user name as password for both. Then map a network drive

    Thank you for your suggestion

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