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Thread: Copy a USB live persistence to a new thumb

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Copy a USB live persistence to a new thumb

    my Kali Linux encrypted persistence USB drive is now getting full.
    I'm asking myself if there is any options to copy the whole pen-drive to a new (bigger) one.
    Or maybe just install the new USB with a Kali live and import the luks encrypted partition.
    found no literature on the topic.
    Happy to find some help i would be .


  2. #2
    Join Date
    you can buy a larger USB stick and clone it. You will probably need to decrypt the drive though

  3. #3
    Join Date
    You can probably just dd the content to the new one. dd if=OLD_THUMBDRIVE of=OLD_THUMBDRIVE

    Bear in mind that while they advertise the same capacity, they are often not exactly the same and if the new one is smaller, it may fail.

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