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Thread: Kali trying to install to USB drive it booted from

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali trying to install to USB drive it booted from

    I am having trouble trying to install Kali 2019.1 using a bootable USB drive using the instructions posted in the blog. Tried searching the forum but don't see this issue. Im trying to install onto a new machine with a blank raid volume. When I get to the Partition disk i can see the empty volume but Kali wants to partition the USB drive. I tried to partition the Raid volume manually, that works and the new partition shows up as a "Kali software raid" partition, but then Kali wants to install to the USB drive that already has the the Kali iso on it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I have a few questions on the raid side of things. What type of raid do you have? Was it configured through BIOS? Is it a card?

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