Just installed Kali linux arm image 64bit for Rasberry pi3 b+.
I am having trouble putting my alpha card into monitor mode with the "airmon-ng start" command it appears in my network settings as atheros and also when I use the "Ifconfig" command it appears as wlan1 and my internal card appears as wlan0.
I can not get it into monitor mode with "airmon-ng start wlan1" it just gets stuck and does not confirm anything. The internal card will start as wlan0 and goes into monitor mode just fine and can packet inject. But the alpha card light goes off it seems it kills it and won't become wlan1mon.
Just freezes.
I have searched google and other forums to no avail is there something I'm missing here? Do I have to deactivate the internal card or something?
I'm running the 64bit kali arm image
I have updated and upgraded, both uninstalled and reinstalled atheros driver's.
Thanks people