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Thread: Kali Linux black screen or blank screen fixed!!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Linux black screen or blank screen fixed!!!

    Yesterday, I downloaded VirtualBox 6.0.8 and Kali 2019.2 both the ova and iso for VirtualBox. When trying to install either version, I was getting either a black screen with nothing, or black screen with a blinking cursor. I couldn't get past the GRUB. Disable Hyper-V. That. Was. It. I stumbled across something that made me think to disable it when I ended up downloading VMWare Workstation 15 and even that gave me some weird but totally different error. I figured maybe Hyper-V doesn't play well with it so I disabled it, rebooted, and now Kali is loading perfectly on VMWare AND VirtualBox, both the iso and ova.

    My computer is a Dell Inspiron 13 7000 on Windows 10 HOME.

    From the Start menu, search for Hyper-V and click on "Turn Windows features on or off". Scroll down to Windows Hypervisor Platform and uncheck it. Reboot when prompted, then try to install Kali again.

    I hope this helps someone - I was going nuts for 2 days trying to figure it out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Something that might also work without doing this to reinstall vbox with the installer, since you allready have it installed itll bring up a menu with two option complete reinstall or fix install.
    Choose fix install wait till complete there ya go worked for me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I actually tried this and now it gives me an error stating that the platform have to be enabled. I'm running a Surface Book 2. I tried everything, even installing VMware but that does work as I get an error code from installation.

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