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Thread: LAN connected but not internet access (WiFi works though)

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  1. #1
    Join Date

    Exclamation LAN connected but not internet access (WiFi works though)

    When I connect the LAN cable to the computer, I do not get internet access. On startup it takes some time to raise network interfaces sometimes and on shutting it down it takes time sometimes, not always though. My WiFi works perfectly and I have internet access on it. When I connect a LAN cable, it does not connect to the internet. Firefox keeps loading but nothing shows up. It cannot ping websites or the website IPs. I can ping local IPs though.

    This issue came up around a month ago and have been unable to find a solution for this.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Most likely a networking issue. Check you have routes with a default gateway, resolver for DNS, and an IP address (not 169.X.X.X). If you do have all that and both are similar to what you get on the wifi network, there may be some configuration issues on your router

    If you need help with that, just look up linux networking, all commands to check that are the same on any Linux

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