
I currently am facing a huge hurdle and am would greatly appreciate feedback or help.

1: Resources
Mobile Phone-Nexus 5X
Android Version-7.0
Kali Nethunter Version-3.15.2 (2016-09-27)
Last Upgrade-09/15/2019
Busybox version-v1.25.0
Kernel Version-3.10.73kali-gddc7121
External Bluetooth Dongle-https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0...?ie=UTF8&psc=1
systemctl bluetooth

2. Problem
When trying to start the Bluetooth Service:
systemctl enable bluetooth - Synchronizing state of bluetooth.service with SysV service Script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install. Executing /Lin/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable bluetooth
systemctl start bluetooth - chroot - ignores process
hciconfig - starts new command line with no previous output
hcitool dev - Device: (Blank)
hciconfig hci0 up - cannot find device
lsusb - lists USB Dongle in (HCI Mode)

3. Previous troubleshooting
Few Google Resources on specific topic(Many Kali Laptop Resources)
Bluetoothd reinstalled
Bluez reinstalled
bluetooth reinstalled
Chroot - Installed wireless package from Kali Nethunter
Device Rebooted Multiple Times
Ubertooth installed

4. Help Needed
What steps am I missing to start the Bluetooth Service and Allow for user of Btscanner, bluesnarfer/ranger?

Thank you