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Thread: Kernel-nethunter-lineage 14.1 nougat Oneplus 3T

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kernel-nethunter-lineage 14.1 nougat Oneplus 3T

    please help solve the problem
    Oneplus 3T
    rom RR 5.8.5
    my external adapter(alfaawus036nh) only works through modprobe rt2800usb, modprobe ath9k_htc (atheros 9271)
    iw dev command, airmon-ng doesn't see my external adapter
    lsusb -sees an my external adapter
    how can this be fixed?
    my external adapter only works through modprobeScreenshot_20191012-181205_.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Looks like you only need a kernel with realtek enabled as driver, not module. You can rebuild your kernel, or enable module at boot

    Is airmon-ng working after the module is enabled? You can also try to use the custom command from nethunter app to enable monitor mode
    Last edited by yesimxev; 2019-10-14 at 05:09. Reason: airmon question

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I understand that I can rebuild Kernel or else there is something to do. Only the tag is in what, my phone (oneplus3t) is affordable supported NetHunter
    What command from the NetHunter application I can try to enable the monitor mode? I have an external adapter in my case it is Alfa AWUS only works in monitor mode after the ModProbe RT2800USB command

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Generally if you have an adapter, it can enabled either as a driver (doesn't need modprobe), or as a module, so it can be enabled only when it's needed with modprobe. If you don't want to rebuild a kernel, just use the above link to let it always enabled at boot. Then you can think about putting into monitor mode. The default enable wlan1 monitor mode command is included in rhe NH app by default in custom commands. Anyway, you'll get used to all of it if you would like to.

    ifconfig wlan1 down && iwconfig wlan1 mode monitor && ifconfig wlan1 up

  5. #5
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    if everything were so simple and everything worked with standard commands or built-in commands in nethunter, I would not write here. I installed the official kernel
    And this Core is iso Beeffla Lineage Kernel Nethunter Working with External Wifi Adapters Only Through ModProbe. At Least So on My OnePlus3T

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