Hello. I have installed kali on my laptop. Im learning a lot about networking and kali helps a lot on this thanks to the tools provided.
But Im finding many tools not working as expected, and Im not that skilled to know why, but definitly things are not working as I can see in the documentation or in the tutorials I found about Kali.
For example: ettercap, if I run the scan for host, it never finds the computers on my LAN. And Im sure they are there because I can ping them from a console. If I run the MITM atack, the arp spoofing seems to be on place, but the targets loose internet conection, the packet forwarding is not working. I know that because if I manually do it usieng arspoof, I can do a MITM and it works. So basically any of the tools or plugins of ettercap seem to work. I have tried enabling the packet forwarding manually, with no success either, even knowing that acording to the docuemtnation, ettercap uses its own internat packet forwarding and this should not be necesary.

Another tool failing: I can use the arpspoof tool and it works, but then if I want to execute the dsniff tool in another console, I can launch it, but no user/passwd is intercepted (I do the test using my pwn machines in my private lan), sslstrip is also now working. Both tools just stay there, listening, but no results are reported (packet forwarding is activated, I do it manually)

These are the examples. Is there in KALI that need to be activated for these tools to work? I have the latest kali version (downloaded 5 days ago) and then I updated many packages using the software tool of kali.

Any recomendations?
Thanks in advance