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Thread: Clean Install - Black Screen after login into gui (but just after first "apt-get update")

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Clean Install - Black Screen after login into gui (but just after first "apt-get update")

    Hey guys!

    I'm sorry, because I know that the black screen behaviour is not a new one and I really searched and read multiple threads about it. But I found no fix for my problem here. I also want to apologize for my upcoming English (greetings from Germany ).

    The situation is as follows:

    1. New installation of kali linux (newes image) on a new Asus Zenbook with an AMD Ryzen 5
    2. Kali linux works fine, also the gui.
    3. Doing an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" works also fine until the next reboot
    4. After the reboot everything is fine and you can type in your credentials at the gui logon screen
      4.1. After typing in your credentials and logging on, the system freezes and I have a black screen
      4.2. Freeze means, that I even cannot change the console line and I have to hard shutdown
      4.3. I can try to re-install kali linux, but it's always the same after the "apt-get upgrade" the gui doesn't work anymore
      4.4. If necessary: using additionals "apt-get dist-upgrade" doesn't change anything
    5. The following screenshots are made on the "broken" system, but before typing in the logon credentials. So I could change to another console line and type some command line outputs:
      5.1. Grub:
      5.2. DisplayDriver:
      5.3. ErrorMsg:

    Does anyone have an idea what I could try?
    If you need any output, just let me know!

    I already tried things in the grub like "nomodeset", "radeon.modeset=0" (or with 1), "amdgpu.modeset=0" (or with 1), etc.
    But it didn't help. The nomodeset threw new errors and didn't gave me even the gui logon screen anymore and the other options didn't changed anything in my perspective.

    Thanks a lot!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Greetings from Mother Russia, got same problem, so tried this and it helped. Just before logging in press ctrl+alt+f1 and log in root.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Got very similar problem. Install----boot-----set user prefs------reboot to test------after reboot execute apt upgrade---------400+ packages to be upgraded--------------after upgrade exec. reboot----------------grub----------black screen, alternating flashing pointer and text cursor--------nothing functions----------hard restart----------same outcome.

    Have searched Forums and net, can not find solution. My setup...........Linux linux 5.3.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.3.9-3kali1 (2019-11-20) x86_64 GNU/Linux- AMD architecture, no dual boot, full HDD install.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Very similar problem, but with added persistence and encryption as running from live usb.

    Still, without solution:

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