Hi all
With the latest repo updates for Kali, postgresql is kept back when updating stuff such as the 3.8 kernel.
However, the "postgresql" metapackage is now updated to require postgresql version 9.3, which is a edge development version.
If you remove metasploit or armitage, you cannot reinstall using the repos because postgresql 9.3 is not the the repos yet. Also if you download the deb packages from the dev repos, apt-get will be broken because it requires libpqd5~beta1 version, and the package names for 9.3 dev version have been changed.
Kali maintainers, could you please update the postgresql metapackage description and requirements to ask only for postgresql 9.1, which is the latest official repo version please?
I've managed to correct this by adding the SID Postgresql repos. Add the following lines to a preffered list under /etc/apt/sources.list.d:
deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ sid-pgdg main 9.3
deb-src http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ sid-pgdg main 9.3
Then, run "apt-get update && apt-get install postgresql && apt-get install metasploit armitage --reinstall"
Now you've got moetasploit running under the new kernel and under postgresql9.3. Database config and connection is the same under metasploit.