From time to time my Kali Linux stopes ,freezes, crashes.
After this there is a black screen with underscore. Nothing else.
How to find the reason?
Version ~kali-linux-2019.4-amd64.iso
From time to time my Kali Linux stopes ,freezes, crashes.
After this there is a black screen with underscore. Nothing else.
How to find the reason?
Version ~kali-linux-2019.4-amd64.iso
Last edited by fgoth; 2020-01-28 at 17:15.
Fixed. It might be closed.
Plz write how did u fixed it.
Its happen to me to after
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade
after reboot the screen go dark....then Kali become silent ......ermmm
I've run into the same problem myself after installing Kali 2020.2. I went as far as disassembling my laptop to check whether the screen cable was ok, this hasn't fixed the problem. I've also attempted to update Nvidia drivers to no success, so I'd be grateful if you explain what you did to fix this, line for line...