[COLOR=var(--black-200) !important][COLOR=var(--black-500) !important]0
So I installed a new version of kali (2019.4). I want to add a user such that I can use the OS on non-root mode. It shows up as a user in the etc/passwd. But when I try to switch users (via the logout button in start) it will not allow me to do so. I flash black and then brings me to the login page. I can switch users in terminal however. I also changed the ID as I heard there was a min. of being a value of 1024.
What I have typed:
88 useradd -m jarvis
89 passwd jarvis
90 usermod -a -G sudo jarvis
91 chsh -s /bin/bash jarvis
92 cat /etc/passwd
93 usermod --uid jarvis 2000
94 usermod jarvis --uid 2000