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Thread: Missing commands in terminal - Kali 2020.1

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Missing commands in terminal - Kali 2020.1


    I'm new in KALI and need some help, I didn't find any help on-line or here in forum.

    I installed Kali 2020.1 in Xfce with full apps installs in VirtualBox.
    When I try to type in terminal some commands (that should be working, it's in official Kali tutorials used) on me not working: ipconfig, iwconfig, adduser, useradd.


    Also, I'm missing Wifi card in network interface list (it's Lenovo Laptop). Is it problem with VM or Kali?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    It's the 2020.1 release itself. Even if you're connected to the internet to complete the "totally offline installation" the sources file is botched. Wanna edit something to quickly fix the issue? Also botched. I just spent hours trying to troubleshoot it man just bite the bandwidth and revert to 2019.4 until god forbid 2020.2 comes out.

  3. All of those commands work normally with Kali 2020.1

    I verified with a fresh install on a laptop.

  4. #4
    I've had the same issue on this new version of Kali, but I was able to find a solution to it. All I had to do was use sudo and then the command and then it would execute. For example: sudo adduser will work while example: adduser will not work. This is what I've learned so far with this new installation.


  5. Check your $PATH

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Normal users do not have /sbin or /usr/sbin in their path, as the commands in there require elevated privileges. That is why the commands run when you use sudo, which elevates your privileges. Do note, even if you add them to your $PATH in your .bashrc, you will likely just get errors when you run the command because again, you need elevated privileges.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    try using the sudo su command, worked for me

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