Hi. I am assuming this is in the correct forum. I am new to Kali and super new to this site.
I have Kali installed as a VM using Virtual Box 6.1.2. I have an Alfa wireless adapter Model AWUS036ACH. My USB settings are as shown below.
Settings USB.jpg

I start Kali without the USB plugged in. When I am fully logged into Kali I plug in the USB. The USB icon dot blinks several times and even stops blinking occasionally and is orange for a few moments, then the dot goes away. Only once was I able to see the USB when I ran ifconfig (WLan0). I could also see it when I licked on the connection icon. But it was not connected, it was just recognized. In the menu bar it says "Kali 2019.4 Gnome amd64 (WiFi Recognized).
I have tried changing from USB 3.0 to USB 2.0 and back again. I have a sound theme running and I can tell by sound when a device is plugged in and when it is unplugged. When I plug in the USB I hear the plugged in sound and the USB dot icon begins blinking. Then I hear the unplugged sound and the USB dot goes away. Something is making Kali kick the USB out.

What do I do to make this work as shown in all the places I have seen?

I hope my question is clear enough.

Thanks for the help!
