Hi, I'm trying to set up my malware lab.
I have 2 laptops: on one I have installed Kali Linux, on the other one I have installed Windows 10.
Both laptops have 1 ethernet port/NIC and one wireless interface.

I have also 1 physical network line to dedicate to this setup, with only one ethernet port. The idea I'm trying to implement is that the Linux machines will receive the internet connection through ethernet, and I want to share this connection with the Windows 10 machine 'somehow'.
Also, I'll use a software -INETSIM, installed on the Linux machine- which will simulate a virtual network.

If I set up a hotspot with a DHCP, INETSIM won't work as it needs a static IP.
If I set up the hotspot with a static IP, then the ethernet connection on the Linux machine won't work.

Can anybody suggest what route would be best in order to achieve my goal?
Summarizing: I need to make a Windows 10 laptop receive the internet connection from a Linux machine through wireless using a static IP address.