Hi everyone,
I recently got a raspberry pi 4 (4GB) and a monitor which I have installed Kali linux on but my 1920x 1080 monitor isn't working working with my raspberry pi 4, 4GB and keeps defaulting to 1824 x 984 when I run xrandr -s 1920 x 1080 I get the message "Size 1920 x 1080 not found in available in modes." I have tried my screen with a micro SD with Raspbian installed and it works fine which has led me to believe that this is a problem in settings when using Kali but the only option in settings is 1824 x 984 there isn't any other option for screen size and custom profiles don't work either.
I found this page on upgrading to the full version of Kali Linux on Pi 4 so I ran the command:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
I then ran:
sudo apt-get install kali-linux-full
I asked on reddit but the help I recived was less than helpful telling me to "install and play with Debian (or really, just pick any popular distro with support forums) and play around with that to learn Linux before making a move with Kali."
kali screen.jpg
Any help is appreciated,