I'm running Kali and accessing an xfce desktop using Remote Desktop. Browsers are crashing on startup in the remote environment, including Firefox, Chrome, and Tor. I can get Firefox to open in Windows by opening it from the terminal, but then the window is just a Windows themed one that isn't really part of the Kali environment.

  • Kali Version - 2020.1
  • Kali Architecture (32 bit, 64 bit, arm, armel) - 64bit
  • Any visible error messages you are getting.

Firefox ESR - Failed to execute default Web Browser. Input/output error

Chrome - just opens and crashes immediately

Tor - Tor exited during startup. This might be due to an error in your torrc file, a bug in Tor or another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you fix the underlying problem and restart Tor, Tor Browser will not start.

I also tried Chromium, which will come up, but won't display anything.