Yep, all good. The kernel doesn't play nice with the linaro toolchain. Another one is currently on its way into the official repo but I made it available to you on the build server.
Just hop into your "kali-nethunter-kernel" directory and do the following
git stash
git pull
cp local.config.examples/local.config.example.bacon local.config
# edit local.config and replace the "CROSS_COMPILE_ARM32_SRC=" link temporarily with ""
And then run setup again. That should do the trick.
Before doing all this I'd fork the kernel source and create a nethunter branch in your github repository.
My standard workflow is:
- open "" in web browser
- Click "Fork"
- Open terminal, cd to build directory, e.g. ~/android
- git clone <remote repo> (e.g.
- cd android_kernel_oppo_msm8974
- git checkout -b nethunter-9.0
- git clone
- cd kali-nethunter-kernel
- cp local.config.examples/local.config.example.bacon ./local.config
- vi local.config #If you'de like to customize paths
- ./
- "S"
- "1"
- Choose "69) lineageos_bacon_defconfig" as default config
- Edit kernel config - Only remove "local version", untick "... append version ...", & change hostname to kali
- "2"; build and rebuild with option #3 adding more and more nethunter config items.
- Add one patch after another, build every time with "3" and git commit after every successful build.
- If all configurations and patches applied successfully, do a clean via "0" and a full NetHunter build via "N"
- Git commit of the nethunter_config and kali-nethunter-kernel/local.config, & push everything to the remote repository
Before you commit your "local.config", better change the download link back to the permanent one.