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Thread: Kernel builder Idea ?

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kernel builder Idea ?

    Hi All,

    so i have this idea which would probably make everyone life easier.
    rather than providing images, which is hard to maintain for a large number of devices and takes time to build .

    Would it be easier if we just build kernel images for LOS,Stock etc, which people can flash for the compatible device.
    this way we could also support devices which are on latest OS ie orea/TEN,

    We already have the nethunter store, so people can just download the app after they flash the kernel.

    just a thought let me know what you all think

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Good idea but that would only install portions of NetHunter.

    The NetHunter image contains:

    - kernel with device specific patches and settings
    - rootfs
    - wallpapers, boot animation, and other goodies
    - essential apps installed as system apps
    - NetHunter store privileged extension

    Installing all of these components manually is not worth the trouble. That's why we built the nethunter-installer, to create simple to install images.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by re4son View Post
    Good idea but that would only install portions of NetHunter.

    The NetHunter image contains:

    - kernel with device specific patches and settings
    - rootfs
    - wallpapers, boot animation, and other goodies
    - essential apps installed as system apps
    - NetHunter store privileged extension

    Installing all of these components manually is not worth the trouble. That's why we built the nethunter-installer, to create simple to install images.
    understood, the kernel building recently launched is good, hopefully some devs can make one for our devices which are running latests LOS

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